

A group of us were intending to meet on Monday at the Burnlaw Centre in Northumberland for a Spring Equinox Renga – part of our cycle through the year since last Summer Solstice at Bywell.  In the light of everyone’s changed circumstances, I invited a wider group of people to write and share a few renga verses – single haiku-like three liners and two liners – as they tuned into Spring’s return over the weekend.

It was an experiment in connecting creatively across the new spaces between us and I didn’t know what would happen.

I felt very touched by all the verses people sent.  There was a real sense of presence across the distance.  Maybe not quite as much as if we were all in sitting in the Beautiful Room at Burnlaw together or on the benches round the fire pit in the field, with the curlews calling above our heads, but the form and focus of the renga held us all in a beautiful space of our own making – inside and out at the same time – at a safe distance – over the course of several days.

Several people mentioned that it was helpful at this strange time to open the senses to the world around them and be more aware of what was going on.  It’s something anyone can do.  Even just one verse a day works as a good gauge of your state of mind and a record of your activities, thoughts and feelings.  The renga we made in this way, it seems to me, is an important document of what this unprecedented time has been like for twelve people in the North of England, alone and together, this past weekend.

As often happens when we sit together for a renga, it was interesting to see ideas and phrases shared, overlapping.  I wanted to honour this very different context and way of working, as well as the sheer abundance of verses, and so created a new, longer than usual form, doubling the schema in a specular fashion – where the themes are mirrored around the silence between the two parts.  I wanted to suggest a sense of flow, back and forth, like a wave, from the various links and shifts, and occasional repeats.  I had to do a bit of cutting and stitching here and there to keep it supple, and as with traditional rengas not every verse I was sent appears.

Even remotely, a renga is greater than the sum of its parts, a strange alchemy occurs, sending out ripples of authentic connection.  I hope that in reading it, as much as in the writing, people might feel the warmth and clarity of being brought in touch – with ourselves and each other – across our physical distance.


Landscape Without a Map


Spring Equinox:

I am a tilting cup

a tremulous star


frost bites land

slow to warm


beyond the garden hedge

the silence

of the empty playing field


some branches bear leaves

some are sticks against the sky


a lone runner, two dog walkers

woodpecker’s insistent tap

we move in a landscape without a map


a careful two metres apart

the neighbours share their stories


beneath the bay

melon seeds all taken by the mouse

green-petalled tulips


I stream old songs for comfort

            dance me to the end of love


close the curtains

light the candles

evening begins


how quiet the air is

as we count our breaths


not so much

for what they say

just their voices


pearly strands of frog spawn

in the tractor ruts


our hectic decadence

more evident

as the pause lengthens


the sun is shining

on apple buds


a shower of blessings

over and over

the curlew weeps her song


sheets spread and billow

sweetening in the open


the moon


follows the train


never has a daffodil

looked more beautiful


show me the point where

before ends

and after begins


I sow pea seeds in the earth

imagine tendrils twining




listen for what remains

when everything we rely on

is gone


in the old orchard

a haze of honey


along the verges

blackthorn and celandine

plastic bags


behind the wallflowers

a saucepan lid moon


across the rough fell

of our hands

the call of a new corvid


doing nothing

takes such a long time


underneath this map

ancient tracks whisper

bid you tread and seek


dead wood alive with lichen

white, yellow, red


on the Sele a girl hurries by

shouting into her mobile



before we were sandpaper to each other

we were silk


on me your voice falls

as they say love should

(Bechet’s ‘Black and Blue’)


a bumble bee, heavy, dozy

bangs on the sunlit window


scent of silage and cow dung

as we pass Peepy Farm

all lowing and milking inside


we are living and dying

through history


it is the song thrush

at dusk

that unstops her tears


if this is the first unknown

why is everything the same?


there are breaks here and there

but still a place to sit and feel

the vibrations of your voice


Venus suspended – a gift

for Mothering Sunday


frosted air polishes my skin

I walk in the small waking hours

a hushed world


in the silence you hear sunlight

unfurling leaves in the hedges.



A 20/20 Distance/Presence Renga

conducted remotely over the Spring Equinox

20th– 23rd March 2020



Birtley Aris

Jo Aris

Deborah Buchan

Holly Clay

Linda France

Sharon Higginson

Geoff Jackson

Liz Kirsopp

Lesley Mountain

Ruth Quinn

Alex Reed

Tim Rubidge



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3 thoughts on “Presence/Absence

  1. Mandy wilkinson says:

    Lovely – so right for the moment! Please add me to the mailing list for possible future Rengas Linda? thanks xx

  2. barleybooks says:

    This is wonderful. Thank you.

  3. Joan Johnston says:

    Just what I needed. Thankyou 💕

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